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OpenAI to reveal AI-powered competitor to Google Search

Google’s dominance in the search engine space may soon face a challenge from OpenAI, which is set to launch its own AI-powered search product in partnership with Microsoft.

As reported by Reuters, OpenAI is planning to introduce its AI-driven search tool on Monday, coinciding with Google’s upcoming I/O conference, where AI-related announcements are expected.

While Google is a leader in search, it has been integrating AI more deeply into its operations. Last year, Google started testing AI-powered search summaries in the US and recently expanded the trial to select UK users.

The potential entry of OpenAI into the search engine market poses a challenge not just to Google but also to other players like Perplexity. Perplexity recently announced a partnership with SoundHound to enhance voice assistants for IoT devices using AI-powered search technology.

Backed by Microsoft, OpenAI is leveraging AI technology to establish its presence in the search engine market. Microsoft integrated OpenAI’s AI capabilities into Bing search and Edge browser last year, offering advanced features to paid subscribers and integrating them into Microsoft Office.

OpenAI’s upcoming search product will build on its ChatGPT tool, allowing users to ask questions and receive AI-generated responses with information sourced from the web, including citations, images, and diagrams. If successful, this could revolutionize internet searches by providing more personalized and AI-driven results.