
Harnessing the Power of AI: Atera CEO Gil Pekelman Shares Insights for Businesses

TechForge recently caught up with Gil Pekelman, CEO of all-in-one IT management platform, Atera, to discuss how AI is becoming the IT professionals’ number one companion.

Can you tell us a little bit about Atera and what it does?

We launched the Atera all-in-one platform for IT management in 2016, offering a range of services from patching and security to ongoing support, alerts, automations, ticket management, reports, and analytics.

Atera provides a unified platform for managing all IT operations in a seamless manner. It stands out as the only company offering a single codebase and database for all services, making it intuitive and easy to use.

We have a global presence with over 12,000 customers in 120 countries, with the UK being a key market for us.

What are the latest trends you’re seeing develop in AI this year?

Our focus has always been on integrating AI into our operations to leverage data for issue identification and resolution. We have pioneered a trend called Action AI, which goes beyond generic Generative AI to perform real-world tasks autonomously.

Atera offers Copilot and Autopilot. Could you explain what these are?

Autopilot is an autonomous widget that can identify and resolve computer issues within its defined boundaries securely. Copilot, on the other hand, assists IT professionals in handling more complex IT tasks.

What advice would you give to any companies that are thinking about integrating AI technologies into their business operations?

I recommend integrating AI technologies to improve automation, efficiency, accuracy, and problem resolution. It's crucial to choose secure generative AI tools that align with your business needs.

What can we expect from AI over the next few years?

We anticipate AI becoming more intelligent, capable of reasoning, predicting, and autonomously resolving issues. This evolution will enhance human-AI interactions and empower users to engage with AI more effectively.

What plans does Atera have for the next year?

We are gearing up to launch Autopilot in a few months, which will further enhance IT issue resolution by automating routine tasks. This will allow IT professionals to focus on more strategic activities.

For more information, visit atera.com

Atera is a sponsor of TechEx North America 2024 on June 5-6 in Santa Clara, US. Visit the Atera team at booth 237 for a personalised demo, or to test your IT skills with the company’s first-of-kind AIT game, APOLLO IT, for a chance to win a prize.